Note these terms when applying for your RPL:
When Applying for an RPL it is necessary to understand the terms involved, below is a list of terms with their definitions. Knowing these terms will enable you to better communicate with us regarding applying for your RPL.
An entry to education and training of a particular qualification or part qualification or entry to a final external summative assessment.
The process of collecting evidence of learner’s work to measure and make judgements about the competence or non-competence of specified National Qualifications Framework occupational standards or qualifications and part qualifications.
A person who is registered by the relevant AQP in accordance with established criteria to conduct internal and/or external assessments for registered occupational qualifications and part qualifications.
A person whose performance is being assessed by an assessor registered with relevant institution.
The value given within a learning programme for achieved learning.
6.Informal learning
Learning that results from daily activities related to paid or unpaid work, family or community life or leisure.
7.Formal learning
Learning that occurs in an organised and structured education and training environment and that is explicitly designated as such. Formal learning leads to the awarding of a qualification or part qualification registered on the NQF.
8.Learning outcomes
A statement of measurable learning that describes what a candidate should know and/or be able to do as a result of learning.
The acquisition of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in a particular occupation or trade.
Monitoring A continuous process of the review of quality that can be conducted internally and /or externally to recommend quality improvements.
10.Part Qualification
An assessed unit of learning that is registered or to be registered as part of qualification on the NQF with a clearly defined purpose.
11.Professional body
Anybody of expert practitioners in an occupational field and includes an occupational body.
12.Recognised Prior Learning (RPL)
Principles and processes through which the prior knowledge and /or skills of a person are made visible and are assessed for the purposes of certification, alternative access and admission and future learning and development.
13.RPL practitioner
A person that functions in one or more aspects of RPL provision, including policy development, advising, portfolio course design and facilitation, assessment and moderation, administration, monitoring and evaluation, research and development.
14.Skills Development Providers
A body which delivers learning programmes which culminate in specified registered NQF occupational standards and qualifications and part qualifications and manages the internal assessment thereof.
15.Work experience
Activities undertaken in the workplace, where acquisition of skills, knowledge and attitudes are related to tasks, processes and outcomes of a particular occupation.
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(Source: Moonstone RPL)