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ICB Business Management Advanced Level: Subject – Business Management 3
This subject forms part of the Advanced Level in the ICB Business Management Programme. It builds on the knowledge gained in Business Management 1 and Business Management 2 in your Foundation and Intermediate Level.
Business ManagementInstitute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB)ICB Business Management Advanced Level: Subject – Business Management 3
ICB Business Management Advanced Level: Subject – Financial Management and Control
This subject forms part of the Advanced Level in both the ICB Entrepreneurship Programme as well as the ICB Business Management Programme. You will gain the knowledge and skills on how to apply managerial finance and control principles in a commercial environment.
AdministrationInstitute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB)ICB Business Management Advanced Level: Subject – Financial Management and Control
ICB Financial Accounting Foundation Level: Subject – Computerised Bookkeeping
This course forms part of the Foundation Level of both the ICB Financial Accounting and the ICB Public Sector Accounting programmes. It introduces students to the computer, windows, email and internet as well as a study of Microsoft Office as an accounting tool. Being able to keep the books of a business on a computerised accounting software package is essential for any bookkeeper. The course also includes an in depth study of dedicated computerised accounting using industry leading software packages.... more
Bookkeeping / AccountingInstitute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB)ICB Financial Accounting Foundation Level: Subject – Computerised Bookkeeping