This course forms part of both the ICB Financial Accounting and ICB Public Sector Accounting programmes. It completes the skills necessary for an Accounting Technician and includes a study of economics, personal finance, business law, accounting control and liquidation and executors accounts.
This subject forms part of both the ICB Financial Accounting and ICB Public Sector Accounting programmes. It completes the skills necessary for an Accounting Technician and includes a study of economics, personal finance, business law, accounting control and liquidation and executors accounts.
Institute of Certified Bookkeepers as a Quality Assurance Partner of the QCTO.
SACOB Certificate of Completion.
This subject forms part of a national qualification. On completion of this subject and the remainder of the subjects in this level you will receive a national certificate.
Grade 12 (Std 10) or equivalent - with accounting as a subject
This subject can be completed in 3 months.
The unspoken laws of business
The written laws of business
Managing your personal finances
Accounting systems
Internal control concepts
Managing accounting systems
Accounting systems
Stock control
Accounting systems
Analytical review
Liquidation and executors? accounts
This course is available via two comprehensive support packages, Online Standard and Online Premium. Each Package includes the following:
Online Standard:
- Textbooks
- Introduction Video
- Exam Info
- Q & A Platform
- Concept Videos
- Forums
- Exam Timetable
- Study Schedule
- A Mock Exam & Solutions
Online Premium:
- Textbooks
- Introduction Video
- Exam Info
- Q & A Platform
- Concept Videos
- Forums
- Exam Timetable
- Study Schedule
- Multiple Mock Exams & Solutions
- LIVE Webinars via Zoom
- Recording of the LIVE Webinars
- Quizzes
- Exam Walkthrough (Pre-recorded)
This subject is assessed by the ICB by means of a Portfolio of Evidence where you are required to complete Activities (assignments) and Evaluations (tests) and then complete a final summative assessment (exam) written at an ICB assessment centre. Please be sure to register for your assessment.
What's next
You can continue your studies with SACOB and ICB and complete more subjects that make up this qualification.