This subject forms part of the three subjects that fall?under the CIMA Operations Level. Financial Operations main objectives are the preparation of full financial statements for a single company and the principal consolidated financial statements for a simple group. The understanding of the regulatory and ethical context of financial reporting is vital.
This subject forms part of the three subjects that fall?under the CIMA Operations Level. Financial Operations main objectives are the preparation of full financial statements for a single company and the principal consolidated financial statements for a simple group. The understanding of the regulatory and ethical context of financial reporting is vital.
Please note regarding CIMA and the OLC. Click here for all the details.
The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants is registered with the South African Qualification Authority.
Regulatory environment for financial reporting and corporate governance
Financial accounting and reporting
Management of working capital, cash and sources of short-term finances
Fundamentals of business taxation
Once completing this subject you will be awarded a SACOB certificate of completion.
On completion of all three of the Operational Level Objective Tests and the Integrated Case Study Exam you will be awarded with the CIMA Diploma in Management Accounting.
The CIMA Certificate Level would need to have been completed before commencing with the Operations Level, unless you have completed previous qualifications in a similar field and could therefore apply for exemptions. It is recommended that students have a good understanding of mathematics and the English language.
This subject can be completed in 3 - 6 months.
The full Operations Level can be completed in 6 ? 12 months. As the CIMA qualification is flexible you can decide how many exams you would like to sit at a time and when.
This course is available via two comprehensive support packages, Online Standard and Online Premium. Each Package includes the following:
Online Standard:
- Textbooks
- Introduction Video
- Exam Info
- Q & A Platform
- Concept Videos
- Forums
- Exam Timetable
- Study Schedule
- A Mock Exam & Solutions
Online Premium:
- Textbooks
- Introduction Video
- Exam Info
- Q & A Platform
- Concept Videos
- Forums
- Exam Timetable
- Study Schedule
- Multiple Mock Exams & Solutions
- LIVE Webinars via Zoom
- Recording of the LIVE Webinars
- Quizzes
- Exam Walkthrough (Pre-recorded)
The great thing with the CIMA Qualification is that it can be completed at your own pace. There are no assignments only a final exam per subject. The final exam takes place by a means of a computer based assessment (CBA) at a registered CIMA computer based exam venue (CBE), each exam is 90 minutes long and you will receive your results shortly after completing your exam.
As the exams are done via a means of a CBA these need to be arranged with a recognised CIMA CBE centre, but students need to insure that they have also completed their CIMA annual student registration and paid these fees as well as have their CIMA registration number. Please contact a SACOB student advisor for further details on this.
Upon completion of your E1, P1 and F1 assessments you can then enter to complete the Operational Level integrated case study exam, this is also completed by a means of a CBA, 3 hours are given to complete this and consists of both pre-seen and unseen materials, it intended to simulate real day life scenarios. Case study exams are marked by CIMA personnel and can be sat four times a year in February, May, August and November each year.
On completion of the Operations Level you can attempt the Managerial and Strategic Levels.
What's next
You can continue your studies with SACOB and CIMA and complete more subjects that make up this qualification.