
The Budgeting course educates students on budgeting principles and budget drafting. It also covers adept management of budgets and costs, principles guiding overhead cost apportionment, forecasting, standard costing, and budgeting variances.

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Budgeting is an essential tool for individuals and businesses seeking to balance and manage their financial health, plan effectively, and foster growth. Over eleven weeks, this short course covers budgeting foundations, principles of costing, and forecasting. Practical examples, self-assessments, and formal assessments are included to help students apply their budgeting knowledge and skills effectively.

** SACOB Short Courses are non-credit bearing and are intended to offer you knowledge and skills in a particular field.


Organisation, Costs and Budgeting
Apportionment of Overhead Costs
Standard Costing
Budgeting : Parts I, II and III


Certificate of Completion


This course is suited for anyone who is wanting to gain knowledge and understanding within the field. There are no specific entrance requirements.


11 Weeks


Online Standard:
- Textbooks
- Introduction Video
- Q & A Platform
- Concept Videos
- Forums
- Course Schedule
- Lecturer recordings
- Self-assessment quizzes


Self-assessment quizzes
Formative Assessment 1
Formative Assessment 2
Summative Assessment

What's next

You are now eligible to further your studies and sharpen your skills with more short courses or take it a level up and go for a professional body certification with AT(SA) to build onto these vital skills.