This programme is the Second level in the ICB Business Management Programme. On completion of this level you will be able to manage your diary and work schedule as a manager. Operate efficiently as a general office manager of a business. Apply marketing, law, PR and economics principles in business. draw up and interpret financial statements and reports. Work efficiently with the HR and labour relations departments and finally apply business growth principles for local and global expansion.
- Description
- Qualification
- Designation
- Requirements
- Duration
- Subjects
- Packages
- Assessment
- What's Next?
- Downloads
Take your business Management skills to the next level by enrolling in the ICB Business Management Intermediate Level through SACOB. The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers is a leading professional and we offer their accredited programmes online. In this way, you can advance from a foundation to an intermediate level from the comfort of your home.
Institute of Certified Bookkeepers as a Quality Assurance Partner of the QCTO.
This programme is a national qualification. At the end of this course you will be awarded a National Certificate by FASSET.
NQF L5 (SAQA ID 23619) - Higher Certificate: Office Administration
CSOAIcb (SA) - Certified Senior Office Administrator
>Successful completion of the Foundation Level
This programme can be completed in 15 months. (3 Months per course )
1. ICB Office and Legal Practice
2. ICB Business Management 2
3. ICB Marketing Management and Public Relations
4. ICB Financial Statements
5. ICB Human resources Management and Labour Relations
This course is available via the Online Standard package. However, certain subjects are available for the comprehensive Online Premium package. Each Package includes the following:
Online Standard:
- Textbooks
- Introduction Video
- Exam Info
- Q & A Platform
- Concept Videos
- Forums
- Exam Timetable
- Study Schedule
- A Mock Exam & Solutions
Online Premium:
- Textbooks
- Introduction Video
- Exam Info
- Q & A Platform
- Concept Videos
- Forums
- Exam Timetable
- Study Schedule
- Multiple Mock Exams & Solutions
- LIVE Webinars via Zoom
- Recording of the LIVE Webinars
- Quizzes
- Exam Walkthrough (Pre-recorded)
Each subject is assessed by the ICB by means of a Portfolio of Evidence where you are required to complete Activities (assignments) and Evaluations (tests) and then complete a final summative assessment (exam) written at an ICB assessment centre. Please be sure to register for your assessment.
What's next
You are now eligible to further your studies with SACOB and ICB and can enroll in the ICB Business Management - Advanced Level