This programme is the forth of the CGISA professional qualifications and is more commonly known as the Board Level. This programme is the final level to determine academic eligibility for Membership to the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (CGISA).
- Description
- Qualification
- Designation
- Requirements
- Duration
- Subjects
- Packages
- Assessment
- What's Next?
This is the final level of the CGISA Qualification and is more commonly known as the Board Level. Once completing the 4 compulsory subjects, you will have an opportunity to choose between two Board streams, where a further 2 electives would need to be chosen:
Company Secretary or Governance Professional
Chartered secretaries and governance professionals are highly sought after, with a broad base of skills.
With the curriculum covering governance, law, accounting, and strategy, chartered secretaries and governance professionals provide a focal point for independent advice and guidance on the conduct of business, governance and compliance.
Chartered Governance Institute of Southern Africa
Depending on what stream (electives you choose);
Company Secretary Stream = Chartered Secretary (NQF L8)
Governance Professional = Chartered Governance Professional (NQF L8)
Depending on the stream you choose, you will have the following designation:
Company Secretary Stream = Chartered Secretary
Governance Professional = Chartered Governance Professional
Based on relevant work experience you will be able to apply for further membership:
3 – 6 years = Associate (ACG) Member
5 – 8 years = Fellow (FCG) Member
Successful completion of CGISA Programme 2.
Exemptions may be awarded based on equivalent studies / qualifications. Please chat to one of our Course Advisors should you wish to apply for exemptions based on previous studies.
12 - 18 months
Compulsory Subjects
CGISA Risk and Compliance
CGISA Applied Governance
CGISA Corporate Law
CGISA Finance for Decision-Making
Company Secretary Stream:
Company Secretarial Practice
Development of Strategy
Governance Professional Electives:
Enterprise Risk Management
Public Sector Governance
This course is available via the Online Premium package. This package includes the following:
Online Premium:
- Textbooks
- Introduction Video
- Exam Info
- Q & A Platform
- Concept Videos
- Forums
- Exam Timetable
- Study Schedule
- Multiple Mock Exams & Solutions
- LIVE Webinars via Zoom
- Recording of the LIVE Webinars
- Quizzes
- Exam Walkthrough (Pre-recorded)
Venue based exams take place in May (cutoff date to book your exam 31 March) and October (31 Oct) each year.
5 Final Examinations, 1 per subject.
It's recommended to complete not more than 2 subjects per exam sitting.
What's next
On completion of this qualification, students are eligible to become an Associate Member of the Chartered Governance Institute of Southern Africa (CGISA)