The level 5 qualification is the third level of the AT SA Accounting Qualification and covers higher level accounting tasks, including drafting financial statements, managing budgets and evaluating financial performance. You’ll also have the opportunity to specialise in areas from tax to auditing and credit control.
- Description
- Qualification
- Designation
- Requirements
- Duration
- Subjects
- Packages
- Assessment
- What's Next?
The level 5 qualification is the third level of the AT SA Accounting Qualification and covers higher level accounting tasks, including drafting financial statements, managing budgets and evaluating financial performance. You’ll also have the opportunity to specialise in areas from tax to auditing and credit control.
A perfect progression if you’ve already completed Levels 3 and 4, or you’re at a more advanced stage in your career and want a qualification to give you the confidence and proof that you have the skills to do the job.
Once you’ve achieved this level, you’ll be the proud owner of the AT SA Accounting Qualification. With evidence of one year’s past relevant work experience – attained while you were training maybe – you’ll be able to apply to become a Platinum member of AT SA and use the letters MAT SA after your name.
AT(SA) Accounting Technicians South Africa, an associate of SAICA
Certificate: Accounting NQF Level 5
Accounting Technician
Finance manager
Tax manager
Successful completion of AT SA FET Certificate: Accounting Technician or equivalent studies in Accounting to assessed by AT SA
6 - 12 months
AT SA Financial Statements
AT SA Budgeting
AT SA Financial performance
AT SA Internal control and accounting systems
AT SA Personal tax
AT SA Business tax
This course is available via the Online Premium package. This package includes the following:
Online Premium:
- Textbooks
- Introduction Video
- Exam Info
- Q & A Platform
- Concept Videos
- Forums
- Exam Timetable
- Study Schedule
- Multiple Mock Exams & Solutions
- LIVE Webinars via Zoom
- Recording of the LIVE Webinars
- Quizzes
- Exam Walkthrough (Pre-recorded)
Computer based assessments
Exams are available on demand on a date and time that suits you with instant results
What's next
With evidence of one year's past relevant work experience - you attained while you were training - you?ll be able to apply to become a Platinum member of AT(SA).