SACOB Short Courses
SACOB South African College of Business - Short Courses
CIMA – Management Level Integrated Case Study
This is the second Integrated Case Study Exam of the CIMA Professional Qualification. This is where you apply all the knowledge and skills that you have acquired from the three subjects that make up the Management Level. You will be required to take the knowledge and apply it to real-life work situations.... more
CIMA BA1 – Fundamentals of Business Economics
This course forms part of the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting programme. It focuses on the goals and decisions of organisations, the market system and the competitive process, the financial system and the macroeconomic context of business.
ICB Business Management Intermediate Level: Subject – Office and Legal Practice
This course forms part of the Intermediate Level in both the ICB Entrepreneurship Programme as well as the ICB Business Management Programme. It will take you through the legal procedures and how to apply law principles within a business. As this is a new course offered by the ICB, enrollments and a detailed outline will be available in early 2016.... more